3 Reasons your goals aren't working

3 Reasons your goals aren't working

11.10.21 10:00 AM By Michael

Coaching is powered by goals

So what's keeping you from achieving your goals?

1. You're not dreaming big enough.
An effective goal lives just beyond the scope of what you can imagine.
That ultimate goal you have in mind? In order for it to be real, visceral, vital -- you have to be not quite sure just HOW you'll do it.
It can be scary to set goals beyond your reality but that is what real change is all about.

2. You're not breaking it down into actionable chunks.
You've heard of eating the elephant, right? You don't do it in one big gulp and the same goes for goals.
Achieving your ultimate goal means breaking things down into sub-goals, performance goals and learning goals.
Want to learn more about these? Come to our training tomorrow.

3. Fear is keeping you stuck.
Fear of failure, fear of change, fear of what others think, fear of nothing changing -- you name it, fear's got a grip on you in some way.
The best way to make sure nothing changes in your life is to do nothing. No risk, no reward.

Setting big goals is about believing that there is more to life, and doing the heavy lifting required to bring it about.
