Feeling stuck?

Feeling stuck?

04.07.24 12:00 PM By Michael

Here are 4 steps to help you.

Feeling stuck is something that happens to all of us.  Sometimes we are in a stuck (stagnate) place for so long that it becomes comfortable.  Getting to a better place or do things that are more productive, can be challenging.  These steps can be applied to every aspect of our lives, if we are honest.  The reason why I say "if we are honest", is because we often lie to ourselves.  We lie about going to the gym to workout by saying things like, "I'm going to get a membership to the gym at the beginning of the year so I can be healthier".  And oftentimes we get the membership, however this is where the lie kicks in, because we don't have a level of discipline that is required to be successful.  Here is another lie that we tell ourselves all the time.  Hopefully you don't but others do.  "I will get to it tomorrow".  This is a lie because tomorrow doesn't come. Or if it does, it is so far away that it feels like a new thing you just thought about doing. Here are 4 steps that can assist you in taking the necessary steps forward to getting unstuck or being more productive.

Step 1) Ask yourself, how you actually got to where you are.  Reflect about the journey you have been on and ask yourself how you got here.  Think about the people that may have influenced you or people that you passed by along the way, that may have provided you with solutions or an alternative path that you chose to engage or not engage with.  Think about what decisions you made and how they impacted you. Lesson for step 1 is, when you have a better since of self, life gets a lot better.

Step 2) Ask yourself, and be honest, about where are you in relation to where you wanted to be.  Sometimes we get distracted along our journey and end up in places that we didn't intend, around people we don't like, doing things we don't like.  For example, how did you get into a relationship with a person that looks at life completely differently that you do?  Maybe they want kids or to live off the grid or maybe they are a social butterfly or maybe they are running up the corporate ladder and none of those things interest you.  Make sure that you are honest about how you communicate and what is really important.  Make sure that you are honest about who you are and what you want.  Side note: Be respectful as you communicate.  Some people hear differences as rejection.

Step 3) Focus on the journey, the destination is important but not nearly as important as how you got there.  Sometimes things happen and we pass them by.  Sometimes those things are tests that we are able to stumble over.  If we don't take the time to notice and evaluate those things, we will trip over them the next time they appear.  Take time to smell the roses along the way.  Consider journaling to document your challenges and your triumphs. When you get to your destination you want to be able share your experiences, some call it their "testimony".

Step 4) Ask a simple question about everyone in your sphere of influence, the question is "Why are they here"?  The reason why you should ask that question is because you may have something to help them on their journey or maybe they have something to help you.  If you don't ask that question you may be overlooking the resource right next to you.  Or maybe you are not having genuine conversations with those individuals that you call your crew or friends or associates.  If you have your hand close it is really hard to give and even more difficult for you to receive.  Be open to being a vessel of help and support because one day you may be the one who needs the help.
