What's your biggest fear?

What's your biggest fear?

12.22.21 10:00 AM By Michael

What do you really know about fear?

Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain.  When we look at our lives there are several things that qualify as things that cause fear.  The question "What is your biggest fear?" is a bit of a misnomer because it implies that we are driven by the things that we are afraid of. 

I have heard many people who are financially well off say, they are afraid of being poor.  So they spend a lot of their time working to generate money/wealth to prevent them from being poor.  I have also heard some people say "Im afraid to ask for a raise." They say the reason is that they can't justify what they have done to deserve the raise.  In both of these situations we should understand that fear is simply a state of mind or a state of perception.  If you perceive yourself as weak, that is what will happen.  If you perceive yourself as strong you will do things that you haven't previously done.

I have a friend that was in a relationship they didn't like.  They expressed fear about what could possibly happen.  They thought they would be abandoned. They thought they weren't worthy of love.  In cases like this, I would encourage each of us to look in the mirror and say to the person looking back, "You are amazing and I love you!"

Fear is a state of mind that needs to be starved and killed.  We should acknowledge the areas where we can improve or areas where we are not that strong... but we shouldn't be fearful.  Let me say that a little differently, be afraid but get up and fight.  Be afraid/fearful but keep striving and conquering.  Be afraid but keep moving toward your goal.  Be afraid but never give up. Today is the day where you will take your first step towards healthy, happy and better.  Remember every journey starts with a single step.  Let's get to stepping.
