What's your purpose? Part 2

What's your purpose? Part 2

12.08.21 10:00 AM By Michael

What are your options?

When you think about you, are you able to dream and think about what could possibly happen for you.  Consider for a moment that you can go or do anything in life, what would you change? What would you do? If you stop dreaming, you will become stagnant and life will become routine and mundane. Keep in mind, if you don't spend time dreaming about your possibilities you will never get to your purpose.

Possible Opportunities

List down your possible opportunities. Be it small or big, a personal life choice, or a professional one.  Write down what you think is possible for you.

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What do you think is your calling?  What are your beliefs? what do you think is important to you in your life.  List down the things that you feel for and makes you motivated.  Be honest here.  You can write down things like, animate, cancer patients, money, etc.

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