Getting what you want

Getting what you want

10.05.21 12:38 AM By Michael

What happens when you don’t get what you want?

Often times when we don’t get what we want we look at those around us. We even point fingers at those standing near us and blame them.  We say they didn’t take the time to help us.  They didn’t understand what we needed from them.  They didn’t support us and our dreams and goals.  They didn’t care about us like they said they did.  We say so many things that may or may not be true. We spend time looking at the external things that may or may not have anything to do with us.  We think that others are thinking about us in ways that they may not be thinking at all.  When people enter rooms and talk we sometimes think that they are thinking and talking about us. But several things that we don’t often think about is… were we even supposed to give them as much power over our future as we gave them.  What did we give up to get in exchange for sharing our goals/dreams/desires?  When we began our conversation with those individuals, what their motives are for being in our sphere.  We spend so much time looking at others instead of looking at ourselves.… The honest truth is that they may not be thinking about us at all.  We may not even be on their minds.  Some people enter into our space for a moment, a season or even a lifetime.

The most important thing to consider is to ask how do you get what you want?  The way that you get what you want is for you to first understand what it is that you actually want. Afterwards take an honest inventory of who you are, what equipment (skills) you have and what you need to get what you want.  Be laser focused on your dreams. Talk less about things/people that are not on your path to your goal/desires. Talk more to people that encourage you to overcome tough times. Spend more time with those who have a genuine concern/desire to see you win. Stop talking about what you want and GO GET IT!!!

Here are a few questions to consider as you are asking the question: How do you get what you want?

1: What do you really want?

2: Why do you want it?

3: How do you get it?

4: How long will it take for you to get it?

5: Is what you want reasonable?

6: What resources (people, things, etc.) do you need?

7: What will this cost you?

8: Is it worth your time?

9: What about you will change when you get it?

10: Who will you be when you get it?
