

Blog tagged as Need

What's really important?

04.04.24 10:26 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
What's really important?
What's really important? What you know, who you know or who know's you? All of these perspectives are ones that need to be investigated but which one if really important? Understanding who your allies are and what they are willing to say on your behalf is truly important.

Christmas in July

07.02.23 10:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
Through out the year consider showing love to those that you care about and encourage them to show love towards you.

African-American Men are incredible

06.26.23 08:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
African-American Men are incredible
It is important to prioritize the mental health of African-American men who may face unique challenges. Understanding mental health can not only improve productivity in the workplace but can help in breaking down stigma and create a more accepting and diverse work environment.

African American Men Matter

06.19.23 08:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
African American Men Matter
Mental health is essential for all employees, but it's especially important for African-American men in the workplace. By championing mental health, we can create a more productive, engaged, and resilient workforce.

African-American Men who cares about you?

06.12.23 08:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
African-American Men who cares about you?
Mental health issues are a critical concern in the African-American community, and African-American men are particularly vulnerable to these issues. As a manager, it is essential to be aware of these challenges and take proactive steps to support the mental health of your African-American employees.

Men, Who cares about you?

06.05.23 08:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
Men, Who cares about you?
Mental health is a crucial aspect of one’s well-being that is often taken for granted, especially in the workplace. Mental health concerns among African-American men have long been overlooked and left unaddressed. However, the recent events have brought a much-needed focus on the mental health of Af...

So-called Leadership

04.23.23 10:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
In life we are confronted with 2 types of leaders. We often confuse a manager for a leader because of the respect we give to the position. Just because a person has the title of manager doesn’t make them a leader.

Business Consideration

04.16.23 10:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
Ideas for Expanding Your Financial Planning and Goals.

What else do you need?

04.09.23 10:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
Often times as we look at our lives we are unable to see the big picture. We are encouraged to see only what is in front of us. We aren't encouraged to think strategically. We aren't encouraged to think about 5-10 years from now.

Why are you wearing a mask?

04.02.23 10:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
In life we often have a face that we show to different groups of people. Some people will only see bits, pieces or parts of you. When you were made you were not made in pieces you were made as a whole. You need to consider putting down the mask because of what it is doing to your mental health.

Best me!

03.19.23 10:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
Are you being your best version? Are you reaching high enough and digging deep enough? Are you asking yourself the right questions?

What else do you need?

11.17.21 10:00 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
What else do you need?
Ask yourself this super important question. What else do you need?

Getting what you want

10.05.21 12:38 AM By Michael - Comment(s)
Getting what you want
Stop giving away your energy and start focusing on you. Start focusing on what you want and not on those who you “think” are blocking you from getting what you want.